Mac OS X 10.7 Lion - Information on Compatibility with Steinberg Products Dear Steinberg user, Apple's Mac OS X 10.7 Lion has been released and you might want to upgrade to this new operating system as soon as possible. Below you can find a chart with the current status. Please note that all products released in September 2011 or later should automatically be Mac OS X Lion compatible. For details, please always refer to the system requirements on the corresponding product pages on our website. Those products won't be listed here anymore. Mac OS X Lion compatibility (as of September 19, 2011) Product Version 32-bit 64-bit Comments Cubase 6.0.2 yes yes Additional info below.
Now that Apple has dropped support for PPTP VPN. Discussion in 'VPN' started by Bob Carroll, Oct 2, 2016. Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next > Bob Carroll New Around Here. Joined: Oct 2, 2016 Messages: 5. Folks, Just looking for a bit of advice as to the easiest way to reconfigure things. I have two homes, one in the US and one overseas.
Cubase Artist 6.0.2 yes yes Additional info below. Cubase Elements 6.0.2 yes yes Additional info below.
Cubase AI 6.0.2 yes yes Additional info below. Cubase LE 6.0.2 yes yes Additional info below. Cubase 5.5.3 yes n/a Additional info below. Cubase Studio 5.5.3 yes n/a Additional info below. Cubase 5.1.1 yes n/a Additional info below. Cubase Studio 5.1.1 yes n/a Additional info below.
Cubase Essential 5 5.1.1 yes n/a Additional info below. Cubase AI 5.1.1 yes n/a Additional info below. Cubase LE 5.1.1 yes n/a Additional info below. ELicenser Control Center 6.3.1.x yes yes - Groove Agent 3.0.1 no n/a No installation possible. No update planned. HALion 4.0.x yes yes - HALion 3.5.x no n/a No installation possible. No update planned.
HALion Player 3.5.x no n/a No installation possible. No update planned. HALion Sonic 1.5.x yes yes - Halion Sym. Orchestra 1.5.x no n/a Plug-in not detected by host.
No update planned but runs as VST Sound Instrument Set based on HALion Sonic on Lion. Nuendo 5.5.0 yes yes - RND Portico 1.x yes yes - Sequel 2.x yes n/a - Sequel Content Sets - yes yes - The Grand 3.1.x yes yes - VST Sound Instrument Sets - yes yes HALionOne is not initialized on 64-bit. This affects the 'Synthesizer Set' which is based on HALionOne. Use 32-bit host instead. The other sets work on 64-bit. VST Sound Loop Sets - yes yes - WaveLab 7.2.0 yes yes - WaveLab Elements 7.2.0 yes yes - WaveLab LE 7.2.0 yes yes - MR816 1.7.2 yes yes - CC121 1.7.0 yes yes - CI1 1.5.2 yes yes - CI2/CI2+ 1.5.2 yes yes - Nuendo SyncStation 1.0.0 yes yes - Additional information on Cubase - Mac OS X Lion (10.7.) compatibility Valid for Cubase AI 5, Cubase LE 5, Cubase Essential 5, Cubase (+Studio)5, Cubase LE/AI/Elements 6 and Cubase (+Artist) 6: Problem: ASIO Ports may have a different naming. Loading projects created with the same system setup on previous Mac OS X version (10.6) may result in 'Missing Ports' window for the ASIO ports.
Workaround: Re-map the ports in the 'Missing Ports' window, consider to set the checkmark in the 'Map Always' column then. Solution: Under investigation.
Problem: PowerPC plug-ins are missing and can not be loaded or found, affecting e.g. Monologue, Embracer and Tonic Workaround: None. Apple does not provide the Rosetta component anymore, required to run PowerPC code on Intel-based Macintosh computers. Solution: If you rely on specific PowerPC plug-ins, do not update to Mac OS X Lion (10.7) or consider using alternative plug-ins!
Valid for Cubase LE/AI/Elements 6 and Cubase (+Artist) 6: Problem: Starting Cubase for the first time and using the Built-in Audio Driver of Mac OS X may result in not correctly applied ASIO Buffer Size settings. Workaround: In Cubase go to menu 'Devices' 'Device Setup.'
'VST Audio System' 'Built-In Audio' and click either on 'Reset' or open the Control Panel and select a Buffer Size. Solution: Under investigation. Valid for Cubase 5.5.3 and Cubase Studio 5.5.3 Problem: Due to the fact that Apple has dropped Rosetta in Mac OS X 10.7, Cubase 5.5.3 and Cubase Studio 5.5.3 are not starting up because of issues with the VST Bridge, when trying to initialize PowerPC based plug-ins. Workaround: Please remove the VST Bridge component by proceeding as follows:.
Make sure that Cubase is not running, then go to Finder and browse to Applications. Cmd-click (or right-click) the Cubase file and select “Show package contents”. Browse into folder Contents/Components. Cmd-click (or right-click) the 'VSTPlugManager.bundle' file and select “Show package contents”.
Browse into folder Contents/Resources. Remove 'VSTBridgeApp'. Close all folders, re-start Cubase. The other alternative is to remove the PowerPC Plug-ins itself on Lion systems, e.g. The ones contained inside the Cubase application bundle (Contents/VSTPlugins.
Filter: All files containing the name 'Tonic', Synth: All files containing the name 'Embracer' and 'Monologue', Restoration:'DeEsser.vst'). Then there may be 3rd party plug-ins installed in /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins, either on user level or system level (or both). Rating Did this article help you?